Candidate Info

Chemical Engineer

Available for exploratory interviews.
Ref: EP18331805

Company classification: Government and municipal (public services/utilities (water, i.e. Rand Water and electricity, i.e. Eskom Transmission & Distribution) Industry in: Construction Heavy Civil - Industrial and Commercial Building Highest formal qualification and other: National Higher Certificate National Higher Certificate Years of experience range: 1 to 2 years (Less than 1 year management) Annual package range: South African Rand - ZAR Annual package range: 0.00 - 150 000, per annum Nationality: South African Home and other languages: Afrikaans, English, IsiXhosa, IsiZulu, Northern Sotho, Setswana Gender: Male Ethnicity: African/Black Candidate location: South Africa Location preference: I am open to positions both nationally and internationally.

Contribution Compass Profile: Conductor

Activating: 29.78 Inspiring: 19.85 Sustaining: 27.94% Refining: 22.43

The Conductor is one of the eight natural energy profiles identified by the online profiling tool Contribution Compass that Enshrine Placements have incorporated into their recruitment process to help improve employee engagement. Putting the right profiles together means deliberately structuring your team to function at its optimum.
In this video we address some questions to demonstrate how a Conductor can leverage the most value for your team.

Online Interview Questionnaire

Primary purpose of current/most recent position:

It is to learn and grow so i can get a better position and keep growing

Core elements or functions that must operate effectively in order to achieve primary purpose:

Determination Willingness to learn And alot of patience and hard working

Description of self, along with greater purpose and passions:

I have fundamentals in chemistry And an a analytical mind to macth it I am a hard working individual who is goal driven and a ambitious individual who strives for perfection which is sometimes my weakness But i always aim to get the job done no matter the costs

Ideal business title:

Chemical engineer

Key responsibilities and accountabilities of ideal position:

My responsibility is to design and troubleshoot processes for the production of chemicals, fuels, foods, pharmaceuticals, and biologicals, just to name a few. They are most often employed by large-scale manufacturing plants to maximize productivity and product quality while minimizing costs.

Skill area of competence:

Processing 1 year Construction 1 year Sales 1 year

Career summary:

1-2years construction 1year manufacturing 1 year sales

What do you absolutely love doing:

Reading Creating new ways of cleaning products Traveling

Ideal company (culture and values):

It would be in a plant environment Where we woud have processes to run And create mechanics of its functioning, where proactiveness is required and where synergy is the motivation to do better for the complete organization

If you are looking for a Chemical Engineer, then do get in touch.

Call the Head Office – Gauteng, SA. + 27 10 597 0862.

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